Monday, March 28, 2011

Gardening Classes

This is a message we got today via e-mail. Check your e-mail for Keely's contact information.

Hello All Gardeners!

Thanks you for your interest in having a plot at the Community Garden this upcoming growing season. One thing we like to do is have classes for all potential gardeners.

This year we have a series of four classes which are:
  1. Organic Gardening Teacher: Doris Wickstrom, 5:00PM, 3/30/2011, OGC 201
  2. How to Plan and Grow a Vegetable Garden Teacher: William Capman, 5:30PM, 4/8/2011, OGC 114
  3. Soil Teacher: William Capman, 1:30 PM, 4/16/2011, Kennedy 303
  4. Insect Pests Teacher: William Capman, 5:30 PM, 4/22/2011, OGC 114

If you are interested in coming to a class please register through me, Keely Schuenke. You can call or email me to register. Please give me your full name, the class(es) you want to register for, email address, and phone number. I will then send you a parking permit for the class. Also, if you are new to the community garden it is required that you attend at least one class.

Keely Schuenke

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Tales of Hoffman Coming Soon

Tales of Hoffman
Saturday, September 25th at 4pm

Mixed Precipitation presents Jacques Offenbach’s masterpiece Tales of Hoffmann, an operetta touring to twelve community garden spaces during the 2010 harvest season. Our irreverent treatment of this opera is perfect for opera lovers, gardeners, kids, and foodies, as artfully created locally sourced food samplings are prepared fresh and served to translate events of the story. The unique community event is becoming a neighborhood tradition.

The 1851 opera is based on the macabre stories of German writer ETA Hoffman, whose material inspired Tchaikovsky’s The Nutcracker and Neil Gaiman’s The Sandman. In our version, Hoffmann is a globetrotting poet following his romantic whims across Europe and encountering fantastical adventures with robots, evil magicians and ghosts. Offenbach’s score contains many classic melodies of light opera, including the famous gondola melody, The Barcarolle. You can also expect some other musical surprises from the popular songbook. Our story is told in French, Spanish, English and the universal language of food!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Barrel of Giggles

These little girls were playing and so full of joy.

This image is quite possible one of my favorite experiences in the garden to date.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Tire for wheelbarrow

I checked out prices for tires for the wheel barrow at Welna 2. Solid tires do not require a tire pump. They are approx. $40. Inflatable tires are $27.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Squash Beetles

This came from Brian Noy today:

I've gotten two reports of squash beetles today. It's battle time.

I've heard one strategy is to bury the squash (this works for cucumber, zucchini, and melons) with soil so that it will sprout new roots at these intersection and prevent damage at one point in the vine to kill everything that is growing past there.

Here's some other stuff that I found online:

Anyone else have any other ideas?